Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wiki Wacky Wiki

I am in full support of Wiki Leaks and there actions in releasing of confidential information. Why because it has the potential to wake the consciousness of the masses to action. From the latest leaks we learned that the Obama Administration persuaded the Spanish government to drop its investigation into the War Crimes of George W Bush. From this we see that the administration is a fraud. The only change Obama brought was his complexion to the White House.

There are some who say that wiki leaks put our troops in harms way. You know what puts our troops in harms way? Keeping them in a country they have no business being in. You dont want them in harms way; BRING THEM HOME!!!

The cable leaks also bring to the spotlight that governments really do not care about there people, they only care about lining there pockets and undermining emerging countries that are finally about to come into there own.

But I know no one is reading my blog so i dont have any faith in the people of the world finally standing up and making their change instead of waiting for some saviour.


Just in closing... its funny how those who carp on about free speech and free press are the same ones attacking wiki leaks. too much hypocrites in the world today. Between the fakes, the shallow and the opportunists the world is heading toward dark times.

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