Friday, October 1, 2010

Police State...

Police vs Army. Now that doesn't happen everyday. The police of Ecuador appeared to attempt a coup on President Rafael Correa yesterday September 30 2010. The police were protesting cuts to their bonuses. They shut down the airport and surrounded the presidents residence. Correa showed shades of a young Alexander Bustamante during his early trade union days, appearing before the crowd and bearing his chest taunting those who wanted to harm him.

Later the army had to engage in a firefight with police to free Rafael from a hospital where he was being treated after tear gas exploded near him. Now as a man who has been gassed and shot with rubber bullets I can tell you that it is highly unpleasant to have tear gas go off near you, if its in the area its not too bad, but right next to you, it's no joke.

So now Ecuador finds herself in a "state of siege". It appears that the army will help restore order and Rafael will have his hands full for sometime, I only hope that Rafael maintains his commitment to the masses whom admire him so much. I am also hoping that the army does not blindside him and seize control. I also have to wonder if some outside force is trying to drum things up... Whatever the case Fight on Rafael fight on in the face of any obstacle you might face.

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