Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Book Review

Our heroes tend to be larger than life individuals who by some awesome luck achieved amazing feats that inspire ups to live up to their image. Malcolm X for me is one of those people. A lot of my life philosophies can be drawn from Malcolm; his life has been a constant wellspring of inspiration for me. So, when I saw this book in the middle of 2011 I was excited to pick it up.

Upon, its release “Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention” took a lot of criticism for revealing too much about Malcolm’s life. Many said that this book was out to demonize Malcolm and knock him off his pedestal. Having read the book I can say this is not true, for me to read and understand Malcolm’s own faults made me respect him more because I now understand that he was not a flawless person he had problems that are common to most of us, he had struggles that many of us face daily, and to finally see the “human” side of Malcolm did not knock him off any pedestal in fact it placed him higher.

I fully recommend this book to all.

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