Sunday, November 7, 2010

Oakland fury or foolishness

Once again the residents; well mostly the residents of Oakland, California took to the streets to protest the sentence of a BART Officer who killed Oscar Grant while he laid handcuffed on the BART platform. And once again some protesters decided to destroy property, and even grab a gun from the police. And once again we see that these people have it all wrong. You tell me how does it help your cause destroying poor peoples property? Destroying your own neighborhood??? How does this honour the memory of Mr. Grant??? Now my frustrations are directed at the small minority of protesters who for the second time this year in the protests turned them ugly and away from actually having an impact.

Once again Americans just don't get it. I am someone who will never be against protesting and I can understand people's anger and fury at being helpless in a system that constantly has the knife at your throat, but I can never condone the destruction of poor peoples property. Instead of creating wanton destruction these elements if they really wanted to send a message could have shut down the BART station, blocked the entrances (peacefully) or stood on the tracks. They could have taken the march to city hall, blocked the streets, if they really wanted to send a message of resistance they could have chopped down the oak tree or organise a boycott of BART something other than the foolish destruction of poor peoples property.

For those who protested in the just and honourable way to remember Mr. Grant. Fight on comrades, and to those who are just "playing poor" next time stay home.

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